17/01/2021 17:14 42
Type: Services
Electronic business licensing plan

Electronic business licensing plan


Legal bases (regulations): Trade union system law and executive regulations for issuing business licenses Timing: The processing time is between 1 day and 180 days (issuance of tracking code is immediate), but the time of processing and inquiries from other institutions (places, health) or defective documents may delay the issuance of the business license. Steps to do: Applicants for obtaining a business license from any of the country's trade unions can refer to the above system to select their desired field in any of the provinces and cities across the country and after studying the business license issuance regulations, by completing the information form Submit your application to the relevant union through the site and receive a tracking code. After receiving the information about the applicant for a license, the unions will take further steps such as reviewing the application, sending an inspector, issuing an inquiry, and finally obtaining a license in accordance with the law of the trade union system. Obviously, the applicant can be informed about the process of his union file in the union by referring to the mentioned system and entering the relevant tracking code. For more information, visit www.iranianasnaf.ir.